Rabu, 25 Mei 2016

Family: told you enough

I think I've told you enough my skepticism towards marriage. In my point of view, marriage is not natural. How could you force two different people to stay in each other side all the time? What do they have in order to make that institution lasts? Love? Bleh bleh bleh bleh..
I bet you've heard too much about this phrase: love and affection. Hearing that words makes me want to spit bleh bleh bleh bleh once again. Bleh bleh bleh bleh..
Until one day I realize that I misunderstood the meaning of the word affection. But frankly, I don't even know what's that word supposed to mean. The way people use it nowadays successfully misslead me to the state that I don't really like that word. Okay, I thoght that has something to do with sex. I don't know!!
I looked it up, affection is an expression of care.
That is why people said "I love you, I care about you" to show their couples how serious he/she in their relationship.
My problem is, I always see marriage as a single entity, way apart from the concept of family, too close from the mambo-jambo love bullshits.
Well, it is true that I love my family. I love them too much, I would do anything for them. This condition applied to all of the family member in my big big family tree, bestfriend, goodfriend, and closest neighbor. They are also family!
I personally believe that the idea of family is to take care of each other. We love them so much that we don't find any urge to take care of them anymore, we care about them anyway, unconditionally let's say. Besides, that's what makes us connected, and strong as a family.
My mother took care of her family: her parents, older brothers, and little sister. When she moved from her hometown, her little sister help her to take care of her kids. And now my uncle, which is my mother's older brother, with his family are taking care of me while I'm studying here. While I am taking care of my aunt's daughter, which is my cousin, who's freshman in my campus. While my older sister is taking care of my little sister when everyone is away.
The story is complicated but care is should be that simple.
Family, no matter how far they are apart, if they care of each other, they will always near by heart
But when no family members are giving a shit to others, that is when a family ruin. They can not see as a family anymore, they are strangers who happens to stick together.
This post also derived from a reality show I watched several days ago. The tv show is kinda sad I suppose. That was about an old poor craftman who live alone with his wife. The wife told the crew that they are married not long ago, and long after their spouses died. When marrying her, the man told her that he wanted to have a family and promised her to take a good care of her until she/he die.
So, this is it. Find someone who are willing to take care of you, like a family.

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my life is hard

entah sejak kapan, gue gak tau, hidup gue jadi susah. mungkin sejak gue memutuskan untuk daftar aksel? atau sejak gue lulus kuliah? atau ...