Rabu, 04 Mei 2016


"I believe the process of letting go hurts, and the idea of having to start all over again is scary.

But I also believe that a new journey is always exciting."


That was the first quote I read once I opened that fuschia-silver book at the airport.

Kalo ditanya bagian favorit dari buku #88lovelife (both volumes), susah banget buat jawabnya. Karena saya sukaaa banget semua isinya, quotes nya, gambar-gambarnya, dua-duanya.

But I rewrite a quote from #88lovelife vol.1 somewhere in this blog, just like I rewrite the vol.2 at the begining of this blog post. Because somehow those quotes gave me courage to do things in that very moment.

Saya ingat waktu itu sedang duduk di bandara sendirian. Mencoba menghitung berapa kali dalam setahun ini saya bolak-balik Jogja-Bogor. 

Lalu satu suara membuyarkan hitungan saya, "Di Jogja kuliah ya, Mbak? Semester berapa?"

Saya hanya menjawab, "Iya."

As the lady started to talk with other girl in her left, I continued to answer her question in my mind. Frankly, I don't have any class to attend to. I should have attend my graduation today, but I abandoned my thesis since one year ago, so... And now I'm going back to Jogja because of my lecturer call. She wants me to help her with her project. But I know that's just her way to bring me back to the campus and finishing my thesis. 

Puas dengan jawaban saya sendiri, kemudian saya mengeluarkan buku #88LoveLife dari dalam backpack saya, lalu secara acak membukanya. Halaman #87. Thank you :)

This book gives me everything I need. Stickers are one of those!! I love stickers!! And I'm so glad that you put all of my fav illustrations on the stickers ♡

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my life is hard

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