Kamis, 05 Juli 2012

That's Why I Hate Wedges

Girls Love Weird Wedges
It was Sunday when I realize that I’ve been playing Plant vs Zombie for two hours. Two hours for today and okay several hours for yesterday and the day before yesterday. I can’t say that I don’t have something important to do. I have, a lot. But this loneliness drives my laziness crazier than ever. Lonely I said, LOL.
Grammar, would you please go to someone else’s story?
I can’t imagine how it feels to be like some of my room neighbors with their condition. Hmm condition.. I can’t even describe what kind of condition is that. I’m not kind of person who easily jump to the conclusion or judge a book cause its cover, but I’ve been watching them for two years and I can conclude that they spent their life mostly in their room. I have no idea what they’re doing but I bet they usually sleep more than 8 hours a day.
Surely I’m a procrastinator who always believe the power of last minute. Sometimes I kinda upset looking my uncounted assignment and particular short time that I have. Now I really thank God for giving me so many times to enjoy my life (Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday), but frankly its freaking me out somehow.
So, I decided to go to the (people said) coolest mall in this town alone. Once again, alone. I prefer taking bus to riding my gorgeous scoopy. Nah, you know the reason.
One hour whoring around in that mall successfully make me bored. Bored is just a word I choose to deny my exact feeling, pathetic. Yeah, I feel pathetic walking around in my uncool outfit. I’m not really sure it’s because of my green sweater or my empty heart that makes me feel blue. LOL.
Blue is not my favorite color, so it’s better for me to go home quickly.
The bus, as usual, unpredictable. I stand in the sidewalk and see bunch of hot guys walk in front of me. Entertaining. To make my mind busy, I start thinking shitty things about the reason why so many hot guys in that street. I think it’s because I’m standing in front of the mall, and tiny part of my scumbag brain answer that’s because I lose my ability in scoring someone’s hotness.
The bus come. I shake my hand. Shake? No, it means I do the ‘ngawe’, you know it’s the gesture to show that you have an intention to choose that bus as a public transportation which will take you home, got it?
When I enter the bus, I wild woman appears and her shoe tap mine. OMG she tapped my newborn toe nail. Huuuurts. I can feel her new wedges hurting my nail and that’s unforgivable. So, I curse on her. Ulalalaulalala.. Expecto Patronum..
Several months ago I wanted to ask my friend not to use wedges anymore in campus. No offense, I just think those kinda shoes are dangerous. Sometimes they’re to high people can fall, and sometimes they’re too heavy people can’t walk. And now they’re too dangerous my nail hurts.
Girls please don’t use wedges anymore. You look weird on that.

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my life is hard

entah sejak kapan, gue gak tau, hidup gue jadi susah. mungkin sejak gue memutuskan untuk daftar aksel? atau sejak gue lulus kuliah? atau ...