Senin, 12 September 2016

TV series I watched

When local televisions provide you crappy programs, rich people will say "oh thank God, we have cables".
If we take that as a premise, I never have a cable, so I am not rich people. Equal to: I am poor.
My country is also a bit behind, we don't even have netflix here. So I have no idea what's the meaning of netflix and chill, so shut up.
Okay, that was a horrible opening.
What I want to write above has nothing to do with the terms of rich and poor. I want to write about some TV series I watched but for your additional concerns you need to know that I never have a cable. That's all.
Well, there were times when local TV in my country aired shows from other countries. When I was 3 or 4 I remember watching baywatch and dawson creek's opening. But I was so little back then. I begin to watch, let's say, american TV series when I was an early teenager, maybe at 11 or 12. It started with Lizzie McGuire and Gilmore Girls.
Lizzie McGuire was epic!! I don't know any teen show could be better than Lizzie at that time. Remember the hillarious little Lizzie cartoon? That was real epic!! Although I didn't watch all of the seasons because you know sometimes I wasn't home at weekend or my local TV stopped airing it before the seasons was over. I don't know..
And then Gilmore Girls. From what I remember, that was a touching and heartwatming family shows. Not to forget Lorelai and Rory's silliness. Aaah that show was sooo good!! It was a kind of show I want to watch again when I grow up. Because honestly I was so little when I watched it. And yess I did watch it again year ago.
The third is, Gossip Girl!! I remember I was soooo in love with this show. It's like it's only yesterday I watched the pilot. I remember it was on 2007. I was just entered high school, and so were Blair and Serena in the show. They show me the glamorous life of upper east sider and that was the first time of my life I was so sure about my future because I picture myself walking in front of The Palace Hotel to Brooklin. Crazyyyy. It has not happen yet. Lol. But they were so cool and I am in love with their characters, especially Serena (for sure!!). I'll name my daughter after her, I promise. Crazyyyyy..
And then, there were times when I was less busy and had access to copy all TV shows I want. And I began that phase with How I Met Your Mother.
That was the best (comedy) show I've ever watched, I dare say. The cast, the plot, and everything was perfect!! And for that, I need to say thank you very much for my bestfriend who forced me to watched it. I remember she said, "I've copied some episodes in your flashdisk I am sure you're gonna love it and ask me more." Ahahhaha for sure!!
I know we are not in the end of this story yet, but I don't really know where to put this. You know, when I watch series the graph of satisfaction is always up until 2 seasons and then drop gradually till the final. Meaning I will fall in love with the series only for its 2 seasons after that skip skip skip to the finals. It happened with Gilmore Girls when I decided to watch it again. And also Gossip Girl, and It Girl. But for How I Met Your Mother, it was different. Ahhaahaha
I also watched Friends, Joey, The Big Bang Theory, Family Guy, and currently I'm in love with Downton Abbey.

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my life is hard

entah sejak kapan, gue gak tau, hidup gue jadi susah. mungkin sejak gue memutuskan untuk daftar aksel? atau sejak gue lulus kuliah? atau ...